class Token
This class is used to represent a token that has been tokenised using a Lexer. (e.g. the JavascriptLexer)
These tokens are used to create various ParserItems, by passing them to an Analyser (e.g. the JavascriptAnalyser) Source code (8 results) /processor/analyser.php Highlighted file source
Line 31: * Generic language analyser. Analysers are used to tranform the language-specific tokens into a set of {@link CodeParserItem ParserItems} Line 35: private $tokens; Line 37: private $token_pos; Line 44: $this->tokens = array(); Line 46: $this->token_pos = 0; Line 51: * Processes a set of token and populates a {@link ParserFile} Line 53: abstract public function process($tokens, $parser_file); Line 57: * Tells the analyser what tokens it should use Line 59: final protected function setTokens($tokens) Line 61: $this->tokens = $tokens; Line 75: * Moves the internal token pointer forwards Line 86: * Moves the internal token pointer backwards Line 97: * Returns a token at a specific position Line 100: final protected function getToken($pos = null) Line 103: return $this->tokens[$pos]; Line 117: * Finds a token looking forward from the current position. Line 118: * Searching starts after the current token. Line 119: * The token must be of the type specified Line 121: * @param mixed $token_types A token type constant, or an array of token type constants Line 122: * @param mixed $stop_list Token(s) that should stop the search process Line 123: * @return Token The found token, or null if nothing was found Line 125: final protected function findTokenForwards($token_types, $stop_list = null) Line 127: if (! is_array($token_types)) $token_types = array($token_types); Line 134: if (empty($this->tokens[$pos])) break; Line 136: $tok = $this->tokens[$pos]; Line 141: if (in_array($tok->getType(), $token_types)) { Line 142: $this->token_pos = $pos; Line 154: * Finds a token looking backwards from the current position. Line 155: * Searching starts before the current token. Line 156: * The token must be of the type specified Line 158: * @param mixed $token_types A token type constant, or an array of token type constants Line 159: * @param mixed $stop_list Token(s) that should stop the search process Line 160: * @return Token The found token, or null if nothing was found Line 162: final protected function findTokenBackwards($token_types, $stop_list = null) Line 164: if (! is_array($token_types)) $token_types = array($token_types); Line 169: if (empty($this->tokens[$pos])) break; Line 171: $tok = $this->tokens[$pos]; Line 176: if (in_array($tok->getType(), $token_types)) { Line 177: $this->token_pos = $pos; Line 189: * Gets the position of the last token found using one of the search functions Line 191: final protected function getTokenPos() Line 193: return $this->token_pos;
 /processor/c_analyser.php Highlighted file source
Line 31: * Analyses the C tokens, and creates a set of ParserItem objects. Line 44: * Should create ParserItem objects that represent the provided tokens Line 48: public function process($tokens, $parser_file) Line 50: $this->setTokens($tokens); Line 54: while ($token = $this->getToken()) { Line 55: switch ($token->getType()) { Line 56: case TOKEN_COMMENT: Line 57: case TOKEN_C_PREPROCESSOR: Line 60: case TOKEN_DOCBLOCK: Line 61: $parser_file->applyComment($token->getValue()); Line 72: while ($function_open_bracket = $this->findTokenForwards(TOKEN_OPEN_NORMAL_BRACKET)) { Line 73: $open_bracket_pos = $this->getTokenPos(); Line 80: $name = $this->findTokenBackwards(TOKEN_IDENTIFIER, array(TOKEN_CLOSE_CURLY_BRACKET, TOKEN_SEMICOLON)); Line 82: $this->setPos($this->getTokenPos()); Line 87: $return = $this->findTokenBackwards(array(TOKEN_IDENTIFIER, TOKEN_ASTERIX, TOKEN_CONST), array(TOKEN_CLOSE_CURLY_BRACKET, TOKEN_SEMICOLON)); Line 88: $this->setPos($this->getTokenPos()); Line 92: $return = $this->findTokenBackwards(array(TOKEN_IDENTIFIER, TOKEN_ASTERIX, TOKEN_CONST), array(TOKEN_CLOSE_CURLY_BRACKET, TOKEN_SEMICOLON)); Line 93: $this->setPos($this->getTokenPos()); Line 107: $reserved = $this->findTokenBackwards(array(TOKEN_RESERVED_WORD), array(TOKEN_CLOSE_CURLY_BRACKET, TOKEN_SEMICOLON)); Line 109: $this->setPos($this->getTokenPos()); Line 117: $reserved = $this->findTokenBackwards(array(TOKEN_RESERVED_WORD), array(TOKEN_CLOSE_CURLY_BRACKET, TOKEN_SEMICOLON)); Line 118: $this->setPos($this->getTokenPos()); Line 124: $docblock = $this->findTokenBackwards(TOKEN_DOCBLOCK, array(TOKEN_CLOSE_CURLY_BRACKET, TOKEN_SEMICOLON)); Line 132: TOKEN_OPEN_NORMAL_BRACKET, Line 133: TOKEN_CLOSE_NORMAL_BRACKET, Line 134: TOKEN_IDENTIFIER, Line 135: TOKEN_COMMA, Line 136: TOKEN_ASTERIX, Line 137: TOKEN_CONST, Line 139: $token = $function_open_bracket; Line 141: $arg_tokens = array(); Line 142: while ($token) { Line 143: switch ($token->getType()) { Line 144: case TOKEN_OPEN_NORMAL_BRACKET: Line 148: case TOKEN_CLOSE_NORMAL_BRACKET: Line 152: case TOKEN_IDENTIFIER: Line 153: case TOKEN_ASTERIX: Line 154: case TOKEN_CONST: Line 155: $arg_tokens[] = $token->getValue(); Line 158: case TOKEN_COMMA: Line 161: $arg->name = array_pop($arg_tokens); Line 163: if (count($arg_tokens) == 0) { Line 166: $arg->type = trim(implode(' ', $arg_tokens)); Line 170: $arg_tokens = array(); Line 176: $token = $this->findTokenForwards($find_types); Line 177: $this->setPos($this->getTokenPos()); Line 181: if (count($arg_tokens) > 0) { Line 184: $arg->name = array_pop($arg_tokens); Line 186: if (count($arg_tokens) == 0) { Line 189: $arg->type = trim(implode(' ', $arg_tokens)); Line 196: $token = $this->findTokenForwards(array(TOKEN_OPEN_CURLY_BRACKET, TOKEN_SEMICOLON)); Line 197: $this->setPos($this->getTokenPos()); Line 198: while ($token) { Line 199: if ($token->getType() == TOKEN_OPEN_CURLY_BRACKET) $depth++; Line 200: if ($token->getType() == TOKEN_CLOSE_CURLY_BRACKET) $depth--; Line 204: $token = $this->findTokenForwards(array(TOKEN_OPEN_CURLY_BRACKET, TOKEN_CLOSE_CURLY_BRACKET)); Line 205: $this->setPos($this->getTokenPos());
 /processor/c_lexer.php Highlighted file source
Line 31: * Tokenises a C file. Line 37: '(' => TOKEN_OPEN_NORMAL_BRACKET, Line 38: ')' => TOKEN_CLOSE_NORMAL_BRACKET, Line 39: '{' => TOKEN_OPEN_CURLY_BRACKET, Line 40: '}' => TOKEN_CLOSE_CURLY_BRACKET, Line 41: '[' => TOKEN_OPEN_SQUARE_BRACKET, Line 42: ']' => TOKEN_CLOSE_SQUARE_BRACKET, Line 43: '=' => TOKEN_EQUALS, Line 44: '.' => TOKEN_PERIOD, Line 45: ',' => TOKEN_COMMA, Line 46: ';' => TOKEN_SEMICOLON, Line 47: '*' => TOKEN_ASTERIX Line 56: private $token_words = array( Line 57: 'const' => TOKEN_CONST, Line 71: * Should return an array of zero or more Token objects Line 77: $tokens = array(); Line 92: // Firstly, look for single character tokens Line 94: foreach ($this->single_characters as $char => $token_type) { Line 96: $tokens[] = new Token($token_type, $char); Line 103: // Now use regular expressions to find various other tokens Line 108: $tokens[] = new Token(TOKEN_C_PREPROCESSOR, $matches[0][0]); Line 116: $tokens[] = new Token(TOKEN_DOCBLOCK, $matches[0][0]); Line 124: $tokens[] = new Token(TOKEN_COMMENT, $matches[0][0]); Line 132: $tokens[] = new Token(TOKEN_COMMENT, rtrim($matches[0][0])); Line 140: $tokens[] = new Token(TOKEN_STRING, $matches[0][0]); Line 148: $tokens[] = new Token(TOKEN_STRING, $matches[0][0]); Line 157: $tokens[] = new Token(TOKEN_RESERVED_WORD, $word); Line 167: $tokens[] = new Token(TOKEN_RESERVED_VALUE, $value); Line 174: // Search for token words - reserved words with meaning Line 175: foreach ($this->token_words as $word => $token_type) { Line 177: $tokens[] = new Token($token_type, $word); Line 191: $tokens[] = new Token(TOKEN_NUMBER, $matches[0][0]); Line 200: $tokens[] = new Token(TOKEN_IDENTIFIER, $matches[0][0]); Line 212: return $tokens;
 /processor/c_parser.php Highlighted file source
Line 58: $tokens = $this->lexer->process($source); Line 59: if ($tokens === null) return null; Line 62: //echo '<pre>Tokens for file ', $filename, "\n"; Line 63: //foreach ($tokens as $i => $t) echo "<b>{$i}</b> {$t->getTypeName()} <i>{$t->getValue()}</i>\n"; Line 70: $result = $this->analyser->process($tokens, $file);
 /processor/javascript_analyser.php Highlighted file source
Line 31: * Analyses the javascript tokens, and creates a set of ParserItem objects. Line 44: * Should create ParserItem objects that represent the provided tokens Line 48: public function process($tokens, $parser_file) Line 50: $this->setTokens($tokens); Line 54: while ($token = $this->getToken()) { Line 55: switch ($token->getType()) { Line 56: case TOKEN_COMMENT: Line 59: case TOKEN_DOCBLOCK: Line 60: $parser_file->applyComment($token->getValue()); Line 71: while ($function = $this->findTokenForwards(TOKEN_FUNCTION)) { Line 72: $this->setPos($this->getTokenPos()); Line 78: $name = $this->findTokenForwards(TOKEN_IDENTIFIER); Line 84: $docblock = $this->findTokenBackwards(TOKEN_DOCBLOCK, array(TOKEN_CLOSE_CURLY_BRACKET)); Line 92: TOKEN_OPEN_NORMAL_BRACKET, Line 93: TOKEN_CLOSE_NORMAL_BRACKET, Line 94: TOKEN_IDENTIFIER Line 96: $token = $this->findTokenForwards(TOKEN_OPEN_NORMAL_BRACKET); Line 97: $this->setPos($this->getTokenPos()); Line 98: while ($token) { Line 99: switch ($token->getType()) { Line 100: case TOKEN_OPEN_NORMAL_BRACKET: Line 104: case TOKEN_CLOSE_NORMAL_BRACKET: Line 108: case TOKEN_IDENTIFIER: Line 110: $arg->name = $token->getValue(); Line 118: $token = $this->findTokenForwards($find_types); Line 119: $this->setPos($this->getTokenPos()); Line 124: $token = $this->findTokenForwards(TOKEN_OPEN_CURLY_BRACKET); Line 125: $this->setPos($this->getTokenPos()); Line 126: while ($token) { Line 127: if ($token->getType() == TOKEN_OPEN_CURLY_BRACKET) $depth++; Line 128: if ($token->getType() == TOKEN_CLOSE_CURLY_BRACKET) $depth--; Line 132: $token = $this->findTokenForwards(array(TOKEN_OPEN_CURLY_BRACKET, TOKEN_CLOSE_CURLY_BRACKET)); Line 133: $this->setPos($this->getTokenPos());
 /processor/javascript_lexer.php Highlighted file source
Line 31: * Tokenises a javascript file. Line 37: '(' => TOKEN_OPEN_NORMAL_BRACKET, Line 38: ')' => TOKEN_CLOSE_NORMAL_BRACKET, Line 39: '{' => TOKEN_OPEN_CURLY_BRACKET, Line 40: '}' => TOKEN_CLOSE_CURLY_BRACKET, Line 41: '[' => TOKEN_OPEN_SQUARE_BRACKET, Line 42: ']' => TOKEN_CLOSE_SQUARE_BRACKET, Line 43: '=' => TOKEN_EQUALS, Line 44: '.' => TOKEN_PERIOD, Line 45: ',' => TOKEN_COMMA, Line 46: ';' => TOKEN_SEMICOLON Line 70: * Should return an array of zero or more Token objects Line 76: $tokens = array(); Line 79: Token::setCurrLineNum(1); Line 83: Token::setIncrLineNum(); Line 89: // Firstly, look for single character tokens Line 91: foreach ($this->single_characters as $char => $token_type) { Line 93: $tokens[] = new Token($token_type, $char); Line 99: // Now use regular expressions to find various other tokens Line 104: $tokens[] = new Token(TOKEN_DOCBLOCK, $matches[0][0]); Line 106: Token::setIncrLineNum(preg_match_all('/\n|\r|\n\r/', $matches[0][0], $junk)); Line 112: $tokens[] = new Token(TOKEN_COMMENT, $matches[0][0]); Line 114: Token::setIncrLineNum(preg_match_all('/\n|\r|\n\r/', $matches[0][0], $junk)); Line 120: $tokens[] = new Token(TOKEN_COMMENT, rtrim($matches[0][0])); Line 122: Token::setIncrLineNum(); Line 128: $tokens[] = new Token(TOKEN_STRING, $matches[0][0]); Line 130: Token::setIncrLineNum(preg_match_all('/\n|\r|\n\r/', $matches[0][0], $junk)); Line 136: $tokens[] = new Token(TOKEN_STRING, $matches[0][0]); Line 138: Token::setIncrLineNum(preg_match_all('/\n|\r|\n\r/', $matches[0][0], $junk)); Line 146: // Some reserved words get a specific token - basiclly anything that is understood by the analyser Line 147: // everything else just gets the generic 'reserved word' token. Line 150: $tokens[] = new Token(TOKEN_FUNCTION); Line 154: $tokens[] = new Token(TOKEN_RESERVED_WORD, $word); Line 166: $tokens[] = new Token(TOKEN_RESERVED_VALUE, $value); Line 179: $tokens[] = new Token(TOKEN_NUMBER, $matches[0][0]); Line 187: $tokens[] = new Token(TOKEN_IDENTIFIER, $matches[0][0]); Line 195: return $tokens;
 /processor/javascript_parser.php Highlighted file source
Line 68: $tokens = $this->lexer->process($source); Line 69: if ($tokens === null) return null; Line 72: //echo '<pre>Tokens for file ', $filename, "\n"; Line 73: //foreach ($tokens as $i => $t) echo "<b>{$i}</b> {$t->getTypeName()} <i>{$t->getValue()}</i>\n"; Line 80: $result = $this->analyser->process($tokens, $file);
 /processor/token.php Highlighted file source
Line 23: * This class is used to represent a token that has been tokenised using a Lexer. (e.g. the JavascriptLexer) Line 24: * These tokens are used to create various ParserItems, by passing them to an Analyser (e.g. the JavascriptAnalyser) Line 26: class Token Line 43: * Gets the type of this token Line 52: * Gets the value of this token Line 61: * Set the "current" line number. New tokens have a line number set to this figure. Line 72: * Increment the "current" line number. New tokens have a line number set to this figure. Line 91: * that this token referres to. Line 98: if (strncmp($name, 'TOKEN_', 6) === 0 and $val == $this->type) {
A total of 222 lines in 8 files were found