Pelzini Tests

This is the code documentation for the Pelzini Tests project

function php_documented_default_arguments_function()

Contains arguments with defaults

This description contains inline links.
- Link to class: php_documented_super_class
- Link to function: php_documented_arguments_function
- Link to function: php_documented_arguments_function()
- Link to constant: PHP_STRING_CONST
- Link to file: processor/main.php
- Link to file: /processor/main.php
- Link to file: main.php
- Link to method: php_documented_super_class::php_documented_method()
- Link to variable: php_documented_super_class::$php_var1
- Link to website:
- Link to website: Australia HOPE International


void php_documented_default_arguments_function ( [ string $arg1 [, string $arg2 [, string $arg3 [, string $arg4 [, string $arg5 [, string $arg6 ]]]]]] );



  1. string $arg1 = default1
    Default is 'default1'
  2. string $arg2 = 100
    Default is 100
  3. string $arg3 = 15.2
    Default is 15.2
  4. string $arg4 = NULL
    Default is null
  5. string $arg5 = TRUE
    Default is true
  6. string $arg6 = FALSE
    Default is false

Return value

  • void