Copyright 2008 Josh Heidenreich
This file is part of Pelzini.
Pelzini is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
Pelzini is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with Pelzini. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
* Tests the PHP parsing system
* @package Test suite
* @author Josh
* @since 0.1
class php_missing_base_class {}
interface php_missing_interface {}
* A constant
* @author josh
* @since 0.1
define ('PHP_DOCUMENTED_CONST', 42);
define ('PHP_STRING_CONST', 'blah'); define ('PHP_NUMBER_CONST', 42); define ('PHP_FLOAT_CONST', 4.2); define ('PHP_NULL_CONST', null); define ('PHP_NULL_CONST2', NULL);
* Does not contain arguments
function php_documented_function () {
* Contains arguments
* @param string $arg1 The first argument
* @param string $arg2 The second argument
* @author Monkey Man <monkey.man@example.com>
* @since r567
function php_documented_arguments_function ($arg1, $arg2) {
* The param tags don't have names
* @param string This one is a string
* @param int This one is an int
function php_noname_arguments_function($arg1, $arg2) {
* The param tags don't have names
* @param $arg1 string This one is a string
* @param $arg2 int This one is an int
function php_reverse_order_arguments_function($arg1, $arg2) {
* Contains arguments
function php_typehint_only_arguments_function1
($arg1, array $arg2) { return;
# Doesn't contain a docblock
function php_typehint_only_arguments_function2
($arg1, array $arg2) { return;
* Contains arguments with defaults
* This description contains inline links.
* - Link to class: {@link php_documented_super_class}
* - Link to function: {@link php_documented_arguments_function}
* - Link to function: {@link php_documented_arguments_function()}
* - Link to constant: {@link PHP_STRING_CONST}
* - Link to file: {@link processor/main.php}
* - Link to file: {@link /processor/main.php}
* - Link to file: {@link main.php}
* - Link to method: {@link php_documented_super_class::php_documented_method()}
* - Link to variable: {@link php_documented_super_class::$php_var1}
* - Link to website: {@link http://www.ahi.org.au}
* - Link to website: {@link http://www.ahi.org.au Australia HOPE International}
* @param string $arg1 Default is 'default1'
* @param string $arg2 Default is 100
* @param string $arg3 Default is 15.2
* @param string $arg4 Default is null
* @param string $arg5 Default is true
* @param string $arg6 Default is false
* @author Josh <josh@example.com>
* @author Bob <bob@example.com>
function php_documented_default_arguments_function ($arg1 = 'default1', $arg2 = 100, $arg3 = 15.2, $arg4 = null, $arg5 = true, $arg6 = false) {
* Contatins typehinted arguments
* @param php_documented_super_class $arg1 Argument 1
* @param php_documented_base_class $arg2 Argument 2
* @param php_missing_class $arg3 Argument 3 (class is not defined in this code)
* @return string The result
* @author Josh, initial work
* @author bob, additional work
function php_documented_typehinting_function (php_documented_super_class $arg1, php_documented_base_class $arg2, php_missing_class $arg3) {
return 'the result';
* Has something.
* @param $arg1 string something weird
* @param $arg2 something else @param
* @param $arg2 Redefined.
* @param string $arg3 defined as one thing in code and something else in comment
* @param integer $arg100 who knows? **/
function php_badly_documented_function ($arg1, $arg2 = 100, php_documented_super_class $arg3) {
* @return string Sometimes
* @return int Other times
function php_multiple_returns_function() {
* Parent class is not defined in this code
* @author josh <josh@example.com> did some work
* @author bob <bob@example.com> did some more work
* @since 0.1
abstract class php_documented_base_class extends php_missing_base_class {
private $base_private;
protected $base_protected;
public $base_public;
* This method is final. It is in an abstract class.
final public function php_documented_final_method () {
return 1337;
* A super class
* - extends php_documented_base_class.
* - implements php_documented_interface
* - implements php_missing_interface (not defined in this code)
final class php_documented_super_class extends php_documented_base_class implements php_documented_interface, php_missing_interface {
private $super_private;
protected $super_protected;
public $super_public;
* Stores some information about something
* @author josh, 2008-10-10
* @since 0.1
private $php_var1;
private $php_var2; /// stores some more information
static public $php_var3;
*** Does soemthing else
* @author josh, somehting
* @since 0.1
public function php_documented_method () {
foreach ($foo as $bar) {
if ($baz) {
echo $this->php_var2;
* Contains arguments
* @param string $arg1 The first argument
* @param string $arg2 The second argument
* @author
public function php_documented_arguments_method ($arg1, $arg2) {
static $random_variable;
if ($arg1) {
echo $this->php_var1;
/** A static method */
static public function php_documented_static_method () {
return 42;
function aaa() {}
function bbb() {}
function ccc($foo) {}
function ddd($foo) {}
function eee(php_documented_base_class $foo) {}
function fff($foo = 100) {}
* An interface
* @author peter
* @since 0.1
interface php_documented_interface {
function aaa();
* Something
* @author josh
function bbb();
/** @param string $foo does whatever **/
function ccc($foo);
/** @param $foo hmm
* @param $foo nothing param **/
function ddd($foo);
function eee(php_documented_base_class $foo);
function fff($foo = 100);