Copyright 2008 Josh Heidenreich
This file is part of Pelzini.
Pelzini is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
Pelzini is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with Pelzini. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
* Back-end functions behind search
* Allows for searching outside of search.php
* @package Viewer
* @author Josh Heidenreich
* @since 0.1
* @tag i18n-done
* Does a source search.
* @return boolean True if some results were found, false if nothing was found
function search_source($query, $case_sensitive = false, $path_contains = null)
global $project;
// Determine the match string
// #ITEM# will be replaced in the specific search query
// for for classes, #ITEM# will become classes.name
$this_match_string = "files.source LIKE '%" . db_escape($query) . "%'";
if ($case_sensitive) $this_match_string = "BINARY files.source LIKE '%" . db_escape($query) . "%'";
$extra_where = '1';
if (!empty($path_contains)) $extra_where = "files.name LIKE '%" . db_escape
($path_contains) . "%'";
$q = "SELECT files.id, files.name AS filename, files.source
FROM files
WHERE {$this_match_string}
AND files.projectid = {$project['id']}
AND {$extra_where}
ORDER BY files.name";
$res = db_query ($q);
$num_files = db_num_rows ($res);
if ($num_files != 0) {
echo '<h3>', str(STR_SOURCE_CODE_RESULT, 'num', $num_files), '</h3>';
$regex_search = '/(' . preg_quote($regex_search, '/'). ')/'; if (! $case_sensitive) $regex_search .= 'i';
$num_lines = 0;
$alt = false;
echo '<div class="list">';
while ($row = db_fetch_assoc ($res)) {
$class = 'item';
if ($alt) $class .= '-alt';
echo "<div class=\"{$class}\">";
echo "<img src=\"assets/icon_remove.png\" alt=\"\" title=\"Hide this result\" onclick=\"hide_content(event)\" class=\"showhide\">";
echo "<p>";
echo "<strong><a href=\"file?name={$row['filename']}\">{$row['filename']}</a></strong> ";
echo "<small><a href=\"file_source?name={$row['filename']}&keyword={$url_keyword}\">Highlighted file source</a></small>";
echo "</p>\n";
// Finds the lines, and highlights the term
echo "<p class=\"content\">";
$lines = explode("\n", $row['source']); foreach ($lines as $num => $line) {
if (stripos($line, $query) !== false) { $num++;
$line = preg_replace($regex_search, "<span class=\"highlight\">\$1</span>", $line);
$source_url = "file_source?name={$row['filename']}&highlight={$num}";
if ($num > 5) $source_url .= '#src-lines-' . ($num - 5);
echo "Line <a href=\"{$source_url}\">{$num}</a>: <code>{$line}</code><br>";
echo "</p>";
echo "</div>";
$alt = ! $alt;
echo "<div class=\"summary\">";
echo '<p>', str(STR_NUM_SOURCE_RESULTS, 'lines', $num_lines, 'files', $num_files), '</p>';
echo "</div>";
echo '</div>';
return true;
} else {
return false;