Copyright 2008 Josh Heidenreich
This file is part of Pelzini.
Pelzini is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
Pelzini is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with Pelzini. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
* Shows information about a specific tag
* @package Viewer
* @author Josh Heidenreich
* @since 0.3
* @tag i18n-done
require_once 'functions.php';
$_GET['name'] = trim($_GET['name']); if ($_GET['name'] == '') {
require_once 'head.php';
echo "Invalid tag specified";
require_once 'foot.php';
$name_sql = db_quote ($_GET['name']);
$skin['page_name'] = str(STR_TAG_PAGE_TITLE, 'name', $_GET['name']);
require_once 'head.php';
echo '<h2>', str(STR_TAG_TITLE, 'name', $_GET['name']), '</h2>';
// Show files
$q = "SELECT files.id, files.name
FROM files
INNER JOIN item_info_tags ON item_info_tags.linktype = " . LINK_TYPE_FILE . " AND item_info_tags.linkid = files.id
WHERE item_info_tags.name = {$name_sql}
ORDER BY files.name";
$res = db_query ($q);
if (db_num_rows($res) > 0) {
echo '<h3>', str(STR_FILES), '</h3>';
$alt = false;
echo '<div class="list">';
while ($row = db_fetch_assoc ($res)) {
$class = 'item';
if ($alt) $class .= '-alt';
// output
echo "<div class=\"{$class}\">";
echo "<p><strong>", get_file_link($row['name']), "</strong></p>";
echo '</div>';
$file_ids[] = $row['id'];
$alt = ! $alt;
echo '</div>';
// Show classes
$q = "SELECT classes.id, classes.name
FROM classes
INNER JOIN item_info_tags ON item_info_tags.linktype = " . LINK_TYPE_CLASS . " AND item_info_tags.linkid = classes.id
WHERE item_info_tags.name = {$name_sql}
ORDER BY classes.name";
$res = db_query($q);
if (db_num_rows($res) > 0) {
echo '<a name="classes"></a>';
echo '<h3>', str(STR_CLASSES), '</h3>';
$alt = false;
echo '<div class="list">';
while ($row = db_fetch_assoc ($res)) {
$class = 'item';
if ($alt) $class .= '-alt';
echo "<div class=\"{$class}\">";
echo "<p><strong>", get_class_link($row['name']), "</strong></p>";
echo '</div>';
$alt = ! $alt;
echo '</div>';
// Show functions
$q = "SELECT functions.id, functions.name, classes.name AS classname,
interfaces.name AS interfacename
FROM functions
INNER JOIN item_info_tags ON item_info_tags.linktype = " . LINK_TYPE_FUNCTION . " AND item_info_tags.linkid = functions.id
LEFT JOIN classes ON functions.classid = classes.id
LEFT JOIN interfaces ON functions.interfaceid = interfaces.id
WHERE item_info_tags.name = {$name_sql}
ORDER BY interfacename, classname, functions.name";
$res = db_query($q);
if (db_num_rows($res) > 0) {
echo '<a name="functions"></a>';
echo '<h3>', str(STR_FUNCTIONS), '</h3>';
$alt = false;
echo '<div class="list">';
while ($row = db_fetch_assoc ($res)) {
$class = 'item';
if ($alt) $class .= '-alt';
// display the function
echo "<div class=\"{$class}\">";
$classname = null;
if ($row['classname']) $classname = $row['classname'];
if ($row['interfacename']) $classname = $row['interfacename'];
echo "<p><strong>", get_function_link($classname, $row['name']), "</strong> ";
if ($row['classname']) echo str(STR_FROM_CLASS, 'class', get_object_link($row['classname']));
if ($row['interfacename']) echo str(STR_FROM_INTERFACE, 'interface', get_object_link($row['interfacename']));
echo "</p>";
echo "</div>";
$alt = ! $alt;
echo '</div>';
// Show constants
$q = "SELECT constants.id, constants.name, constants.fileid
FROM constants
INNER JOIN item_info_tags ON item_info_tags.linktype = " . LINK_TYPE_CONSTANT . " AND item_info_tags.linkid = constants.id
WHERE item_info_tags.name = {$name_sql}
ORDER BY constants.name";
$res = db_query($q);
if (db_num_rows($res) > 0) {
echo '<a name="constants"></a>';
echo '<h3>', str(STR_CONSTANTS), '</h3>';
$alt = false;
echo '<div class="list">';
while ($row = db_fetch_assoc ($res)) {
$class = 'item';
if ($alt) $class .= '-alt';
echo "<div class=\"{$class}\">";
echo "<p><strong>{$row['name']}</strong></p>";
echo '</div>';
$alt = ! $alt;
echo '</div>';
require_once 'foot.php';