source of /viewer/controllers/function.php
Shows information about a specific function <?php /* Copyright 2008 Josh Heidenreich This file is part of Pelzini. Pelzini is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. Pelzini is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Pelzini. If not, see <>. */ /** * Shows information about a specific function * * @package Viewer * @author Josh Heidenreich * @since 0.1 * @see ParserFunction * @tag i18n-done **/ require_once 'functions.php'; $sql_name = db_quote($_GET['name']); $q = new SelectQuery(); $q->addFields(',, AS namespace, functions.description, AS filename, functions.deprecated, functions.linenum, functions.classid, AS class, AS interface, functions.static,, functions.sinceid'); $q->setFrom('functions'); $q->addInnerJoin('files ON functions.fileid ='); $q->addLeftJoin('classes ON functions.classid ='); $q->addLeftJoin('interfaces ON functions.interfaceid ='); $q->addLeftJoin('namespaces ON functions.namespaceid ='); $q->addWhere(" = {$sql_name}"); $q->addProjectWhere(); if (isset($_GET['memberof'])) { $sql_name = db_quote($_GET['memberof']); $q->addWhere("( = {$sql_name} OR = {$sql_name})"); } if (isset($_GET['file'])) { $sql_name = db_quote($_GET['file']); $q->addWhere(" = {$sql_name}"); } $q = $q->buildQuery(); $res = db_query ($q); if (db_num_rows($res) == 0) { require_once 'head.php'; echo '<h2>', str(STR_ERROR_TITLE), '</h2>'; echo '<p>', str(STR_FUNC_INVALID), '</p>'; require_once 'foot.php'; } else if (db_num_rows($res) > 1) { require_once 'head.php'; echo '<h2>', str (STR_MULTIPLE_TITLE , 'NUM', db_num_rows ($res), 'TYPE', strtolower(str (STR_FUNCTIONS ))), '</h2>'; echo '<div class="list">'; while ($row = db_fetch_assoc($res)) { $name_parts[] = str(STR_IN_FILE, 'VAL', $row['filename']); if ($row['class']) { $url .= '&memberof=' . urlencode($row['class']); $name_parts[] = str(STR_IN_CLASS, 'VAL', $row['class']); } else if ($row['interface']) { $url .= '&memberof=' . urlencode($row['interface']); $name_parts[] = str(STR_IN_INTERFACE, 'VAL', $row['class']); } echo '<div class="item">'; echo '</div>'; } echo '</div>'; require_once 'foot.php'; } else { $function = db_fetch_assoc($res); } $skin['page_name'] = str(STR_FUNC_BROWSER_TITLE, 'name', $function['name']); require_once 'head.php'; echo '<h2>', str(STR_FUNC_PAGE_TITLE, 'name', $function['name']), '</h2>'; echo '<div class="main-description">'; echo process_inline($function['description']); echo '</div>'; echo "<ul>"; $line = $function['linenum']; $start = ''; if ($line > 5) { $start = '#src-lines-' . ($line - 5); } echo '<li>File: <a href="file?name=', urlencode($function['filename']), '">', htmlspecialchars($function['filename']), '</a>, line <a href="file_source?name=', urlencode($function['filename']), "&highlight={$line}{$start}\">{$line}</a></li>"; if ($function['namespace'] != null) { echo '<li>', str(STR_NAMESPACE, 'name', get_namespace_link($function['namespace'])), '</li>'; } if ($function['classid']) { echo '<li>', str(STR_FUNC_CLASS, 'name', $function['class']); if ($function['static']) echo ', ', str(STR_METHOD_STATIC); if ($function['final']) echo ', ', str(STR_METHOD_FINAL); echo '</li>'; } else if ($function['static']) { echo '<li>', str(STR_FUNC_STATIC), '</li>'; } if ($function['sinceid']) { echo '<li>', str(STR_AVAIL_SINCE, 'version', get_since_version($function['sinceid'])), '</li>'; } echo "</ul>"; // Usage echo '<h3>', str(STR_FUNC_USAGE), '</h3>'; if ($function['deprecated'] === null) { show_function_usage ($function['id']); } else if ($function['deprecated'] === '') { echo '<p><span class="deprecated">', str(STR_FUNC_DEPRECATED), '</span></p>'; show_function_usage ($function['id']); } else { echo '<p><span class="deprecated">', str(STR_FUNC_DEPRECATED), '</span>'; echo '<br>', process_inline($function['deprecated']), '</p>'; } show_examples($function['id'], LINK_TYPE_FUNCTION); show_authors ($function['id'], LINK_TYPE_FUNCTION); show_tables ($function['id'], LINK_TYPE_FUNCTION); // Show Arguments $q = "SELECT id, name, type, byref, defaultvalue, description FROM arguments WHERE functionid = {$function['id']} ORDER BY id"; $res = db_query($q); if (db_num_rows($res) > 0) { echo '<h3>', str(STR_FUNC_ARGUMENTS), '</h3>'; echo "<ol class=\"spaced-list code-list\">"; while ($row = db_fetch_assoc ($res)) { echo '<li><span class="type">', get_object_link ($row['type']), "</span> <strong>{$row['name']}</strong>"; if ($row['defaultvalue'] !== null) { if ($row['defaultvalue'] == '') $row['defaultvalue'] = "''"; echo "<span class=\"default\"> = {$row['defaultvalue']}</span>"; } if ($row['byref']) echo ' <span class="by-ref">(by reference)</span>'; echo '<br>', process_inline ($row['description']); echo "</li>"; } echo "</ol>\n"; } // Show throws $q = "SELECT exception, description FROM throws WHERE functionid = {$function['id']} ORDER BY id"; $res = db_query($q); if (db_num_rows($res) > 0) { echo '<h3>', str(STR_FUNC_THROWS), '</h3>'; echo "<ul class=\"spaced-list code-list\">"; while ($row = db_fetch_assoc ($res)) { echo '<li>', get_object_link($row['exception']); echo '<br>', process_inline ($row['description']); echo "</li>"; } echo "</ul>\n"; } // Show return types $q = "SELECT type, description FROM returns WHERE functionid = {$function['id']} ORDER BY id"; $res = db_query($q); if (db_num_rows($res) > 0) { echo '<h3>', str(STR_FUNC_RETURN_VALUE), '</h3>'; echo "<ul class=\"spaced-list code-list\">"; while ($row = db_fetch_assoc ($res)) { echo '<li>', get_object_link($row['type']); echo '<br>', process_inline ($row['description']); echo "</li>"; } echo "</ul>\n"; } show_see_also ($function['id'], LINK_TYPE_FUNCTION); show_tags ($function['id'], LINK_TYPE_FUNCTION); require_once 'foot.php'; ?>