Copyright 2008 Josh Heidenreich
This file is part of Pelzini.
Pelzini is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
Pelzini is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with Pelzini. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
* This is the main processor engine. It does all of the grunt-work of the processor
* @package Processor
* @author Josh
* @since 0.1
require_once 'functions.php';
require_once 'constants.php';
output_status ('This is the Pelzini processor, Pelzini version ' . PELZINI_VERSION);
output_status ('Pelzini is Copyright 2008 Josh Heidenreich, licenced under GPL 3');
output_status ('For more information, see <a href="https://github.com/Karmabunny/pelzini">https://github.com/Karmabunny/pelzini</a>');
// Initialise each parser
output_status ('');
$parsers['php'] = new PhpParser();
output_status("Initialised the PHP parser.");
$parsers['js'] = new JavascriptParser();
output_status("Initialised the Javascript parser.");
//$parsers['c'] = new CParser();
//output_status("Initialised the (expermiental) C parser.");
foreach ($_SERVER['argv'] as $idx => $argument) {
if ($idx == 0) continue;
if ($argument == '--help') continue;
if ($argument == '--config') continue;
$config = new Config();
$result = $config->load($argument);
if (! $result) continue;
// Sync output database layout
output_status ('');
foreach ($config->getOutputters() as $outputter) {
$outputter->check_layout(dirname(__FILE__) . '/database.layout'); }
// Determine the file names
output_status ('');
output_status ("Getting filenames for parsing.");
$file_names = get_filenames($config->getBaseDirectory(), '', $config->getExcludeDirectories());
("Found " . count($file_names) . " files.");
// Process each file using its parser to build a code tree.
output_status ('');
output_status ('Processing files.');
$success = 0;
$failure = 0;
foreach ($file_names as $file) {
if (isset($parsers[$ext]) and
in_array($ext, $config->languages)) { output_status ("Processing file {$file}");
$result = $parsers[$ext]->parseFile($config->getBaseDirectory(), $file);
if ($result != null) {
$parser_model[] = $result;
} else {
output_status("ERROR: Processing of file {$file} failed!");
// Give a status output for the parsed files
$total = $success + $failure;
$noop = $total - count($file_names); output_status ('');
output_status ("Processed {$total} file(s):");
output_status (" {$success} file(s) were parsed successfully");
output_status (" {$failure} file(s) failed to be parsed");
// Does processing of Javadoc tags
// Ths should be hidden away somewhere, but meh
foreach ($parser_model as $item) {
if ($item instanceof ParserFile) {
if ($config->getDocsDirectory() != '') {
// Determine the file names for project documents
output_status ('');
output_status ("Getting filenames for project documents.");
$file_names = get_filenames
($config->getDocsDirectory(), '', array()); output_status
("Found " . count($file_names) . " files.");
// Process each document, and add a ParserDocument
output_status ('');
output_status ('Processing files.');
$success = 0;
$failure = 0;
foreach ($file_names as $file) {
if ($ext != 'txt') continue;
if ($content == '') continue;
$doc = new ParserDocument ();
$doc->name = implode('.', $file_parts); $doc->description = htmlify_text ($content);
$parser_model[] = $doc;
// Transform the data model
output_status ('');
foreach ($config->getTransformers() as $transformer) {
('Running ' . get_class($transformer));
$result = $transformer->transform($parser_model);
if ($result) {
('Processed transformer ' . get_class($transformer) . ' successfully'); $parser_model = $result;
// Output the generated tree to the specified outputters
output_status ('');
foreach ($config->getOutputters() as $outputter) {
('Running ' . get_class($outputter));
$result = $outputter->output($parser_model, $config);
if ($result) {
('Processed outputter ' . get_class($outputter) . ' successfully'); }