source of /processor/c_lexer.php
Contains the CLexer class <?php /* Copyright 2008 Josh Heidenreich This file is part of Pelzini. Pelzini is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. Pelzini is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Pelzini. If not, see <>. */ /** * Contains the {@link CLexer} class * * @package Parsers * @author Josh * @since 0.2 **/ /** * Tokenises a C file. **/ class CLexer { // Should this be common for all lexers? private $single_characters = array( '(' => TOKEN_OPEN_NORMAL_BRACKET, ')' => TOKEN_CLOSE_NORMAL_BRACKET, '{' => TOKEN_OPEN_CURLY_BRACKET, '}' => TOKEN_CLOSE_CURLY_BRACKET, '[' => TOKEN_OPEN_SQUARE_BRACKET, ']' => TOKEN_CLOSE_SQUARE_BRACKET, '=' => TOKEN_EQUALS, '.' => TOKEN_PERIOD, ',' => TOKEN_COMMA, ';' => TOKEN_SEMICOLON, '*' => TOKEN_ASTERIX ); private $reserved_words = array( 'auto', 'break', 'case', 'continue', 'default', 'do', 'else', 'enum', 'extern', 'for', 'goto', 'if', 'inline', 'register', 'restrict', 'return', 'sizeof', 'static', 'struct', 'switch', 'typedef', 'union', 'volatile', 'while' ); private $token_words = array( 'const' => TOKEN_CONST, ); private $reserved_values = array('NULL'); /** * Resets any state variables used by this class back to their initial state **/ public function resetState() {} /** * Should return an array of zero or more Token objects **/ public function process($source) { $offset = 0; // strip comments $curr_line = 1; while ($offset < $length) { if (preg_match('/\G(\n|\r|\n\r)/', $source, $matches, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE , $offset)) { $curr_line++; $offset = $matches[0][1] + strlen($matches[0][0]); //echo "LINE..."; flush(); continue; } // Firstly, look for single character tokens // Should this be common for all lexers? foreach ($this->single_characters as $char => $token_type) { if ($source[$offset] == $char) { $tokens[] = new Token($token_type, $char); $offset++; //echo "CHAR..."; flush(); continue 2; } } // Now use regular expressions to find various other tokens // If one is found, add it to the list and move on // Search for a preprocessor directive if (preg_match('/\G(#[a-z]+.*?)\n/s', $source, $matches, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE , $offset)) { $tokens[] = new Token(TOKEN_C_PREPROCESSOR, $matches[0][0]); $offset = $matches[0][1] + strlen($matches[0][0]); //echo "PREP..."; flush(); continue; } // Search for a Docblock comment if (preg_match('/\G\/\*\*(.+?)\*\//s', $source, $matches, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE , $offset)) { $tokens[] = new Token(TOKEN_DOCBLOCK, $matches[0][0]); $offset = $matches[0][1] + strlen($matches[0][0]); //echo "DOCB..."; flush(); continue; } // Search for a regular /* */ comment if (preg_match('/\G\/\*(.+?)\*\//s', $source, $matches, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE , $offset)) { $tokens[] = new Token(TOKEN_COMMENT, $matches[0][0]); $offset = $matches[0][1] + strlen($matches[0][0]); //echo "COMM..."; flush(); continue; } // Search for a // comment if (preg_match('/\G\/\/.*\n/', $source, $matches, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE , $offset)) { $tokens[] = new Token (TOKEN_COMMENT , rtrim($matches[0][0])); $offset = $matches[0][1] + strlen($matches[0][0]); //echo "DBLS..."; flush(); continue; } // Search for a double-quoted string if (preg_match('/\G"([^\"]|\.)*"/i', $source, $matches, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE , $offset)) { $tokens[] = new Token(TOKEN_STRING, $matches[0][0]); $offset = $matches[0][1] + strlen($matches[0][0]); //echo "STRD..."; flush(); continue; } // Search for a single-quoted string if (preg_match('/\G\'([^\\\']|\.)*\'/i', $source, $matches, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE , $offset)) { $tokens[] = new Token(TOKEN_STRING, $matches[0][0]); $offset = $matches[0][1] + strlen($matches[0][0]); //echo "STRS..."; flush(); continue; } // Search for reserved words. This list includes the future reserved words foreach ($this->reserved_words as $word) { if (preg_match('/\G' . $word . '/i', $source, $matches, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE , $offset)) { $tokens[] = new Token(TOKEN_RESERVED_WORD, $word); $offset = $matches[0][1] + strlen($matches[0][0]); //echo "RESW..."; flush(); continue; } } // Search for reserved values foreach ($this->reserved_values as $value) { if (preg_match('/\G' . $value . '/i', $source, $matches, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE , $offset)) { $tokens[] = new Token(TOKEN_RESERVED_VALUE, $value); $offset = $matches[0][1] + strlen($matches[0][0]); //echo "RESV..."; flush(); continue; } } // Search for token words - reserved words with meaning foreach ($this->token_words as $word => $token_type) { if (preg_match('/\G' . $word . '/i', $source, $matches, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE , $offset)) { $tokens[] = new Token($token_type, $word); $offset = $matches[0][1] + strlen($matches[0][0]); //echo "TOKW..."; flush(); continue; } } // Search for a number $number_expressions = array( '/\G0x[0-9A-F]+/i', '/\G[0-9]+/' ); foreach ($number_expressions as $expression) { if (preg_match($expression, $source, $matches, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE , $offset)) { $tokens[] = new Token(TOKEN_NUMBER, $matches[0][0]); $offset = $matches[0][1] + strlen($matches[0][0]); //echo "NUMB..."; flush(); continue; } } // Search for an indentifier if (preg_match('/\G[a-z$_][a-z0-9$_]*/i', $source, $matches, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE , $offset)) { $tokens[] = new Token(TOKEN_IDENTIFIER, $matches[0][0]); $offset = $matches[0][1] + strlen($matches[0][0]); //echo "IDEN..."; flush(); continue; } //echo "OTHR..."; flush(); $offset++; } //echo "\n"; flush(); return $tokens; } } ?>