Copyright 2008 Josh Heidenreich
This file is part of Pelzini.
Pelzini is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
Pelzini is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with Pelzini. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
* Contains the {@link DatabaseOutputter} class
* @package Outputters
* @author Josh
* @since 0.2
* Outputs the tree to a database.
abstract class DatabaseOutputter extends Outputter {
static private $since_versions;
protected $extra_insert_data = array();
* Connects to the database
abstract protected function connect();
* Executes a database query
abstract protected function query($query);
* Safens some input
* @param string $input The input to safen
abstract protected function sql_safen($input);
* Fetches a row from the database (numerical)
abstract protected function fetch_row($res);
* Fetches a row from the database (assoc)
abstract protected function fetch_assoc($res);
* Returns the number of rows affected in the last query
abstract protected function affected_rows($res);
* Returns the autogenerated id created in the last query
abstract protected function insert_id();
* Returns an array of the tables in this database
abstract protected function get_table_list();
* Should return a multi-dimentional array of the column details
* Format:
* Array [
* [0] => Array [
* 'Field' => field name
* 'Type' => field type, (e.g. 'serial', 'smallnum' or 'identifier')
* 'NotNull' => nullable?, (true or false)
* 'Key' => indexed?, ('PRI' for primary key)
* ]
* [1] => ...
* [n] => ...
abstract protected function get_column_details($table_name);
* Should return a multi-dimentional array of the index details
* Format:
* Array [
* [0] => Array [
* 'Fields' => array of field names
* ]
* [1] => ...
* [n] => ...
abstract protected function get_index_details($table_name);
* Gets the query that alters a column to match the new SQL definition
abstract protected function get_alter_column_query($table, $column_name, $new_type, $null_allowed);
* Converts an internal type into the database-specific SQL type.
* The defined internal types are:
* - serial: a number that automatically increments whenever a record is added
* - smallnum: a small number. needs to be able to hold at least 32,767 possible values (e.g. a 16-bit signed integer)
* - largenum: a large number. needs to be the same size or larger than a serial type
* - string: a character field long enough to hold identifiers of objects (e.g. function names)
* - text: a field that can hold arbitary pieces of text larger than 65536 chars in length.
* @param string $internal_type_name The internal type name.
* @return string The name used by the SQL database.
abstract protected function get_sql_type($internal_type_name);
* Creates a table
abstract protected function create_table($table_name, $columns);
* The database engine should start a transaction. If transactions are not supported, it should do nothing.
abstract protected function start_transaction();
* The database engine should commit a transaction. If transactions are not supported, it should do nothing.
abstract protected function commit_transaction();
* The database engine should rollback a transaction. If transactions are not supported, it should do nothing.
abstract protected function rollback_transaction();
* Executes an insert query for the data provided.
protected function do_insert($table, $data)
$data += $this->extra_insert_data;
$q = "INSERT INTO {$table} (";
$q .= ") VALUES (";
$q .= ")";
* Executes an insert query for the data provided.
protected function do_multiple_insert($table, $data)
if (count($data) == 0) return;
$q = "INSERT INTO {$table} (";
$q .= ") VALUES ";
$j = 0;
foreach ($data as $row) {
if ($j++ > 0) $q .= ',';
$q .= '(' . implode(',', $row + $this->extra_insert_data) . ')'; }
* Executes an update query for the data provided.
protected function do_update($table, $data, $where)
$q = "UPDATE {$table} SET ";
$j = 0;
foreach ($data as $key => $val) {
if ($j++) $q .= ',';
$q .= $key . ' = ' . $val;
$q .= ' WHERE ';
$j = 0;
foreach ($where as $key => $val) {
if ($j++) $q .= ',';
$q .= $key . ' = ' . $val;
* Updates the database layout to match the layout file
* NOTE: currently only supports column and table adding and updating, not removal.
* @param string $layout_filename The name of hte layout file to match
public function check_layout($layout_filename)
$layout_lines = file($layout_filename);
$res = $this->connect();
if (! $res) {
echo "<p>Unable to connect to database!";
return false;
$table = null;
foreach ($layout_lines as $line) {
if ($line == '') continue;
switch ($words[0]) {
case 'TABLE':
$table = $words[1];
case 'PK':
$dest_tables[$table]['PK'] = $words[1];
case 'INDEX':
$dest_tables[$table]['Indexes'][] = $words[1];
$col['Type'] = $words[1];
$col['NotNull'] = 0;
if ($words[2] == 'notnull') $col['NotNull'] = 1;
if ($words[2] == 'null') $col['NotNull'] = 0;
$dest_tables[$table]['Columns'][$words[0]] = $col;
$table_names = $this->get_table_list();
foreach ($table_names as $table_name) {
$curr_tables[$table_name] = array();
$colres = $this->get_column_details($table_name);
foreach ($colres as $colrow) {
if ($colrow['Key'] == 'PRI') {
$curr_tables[$table_name]['PK'] = $colrow['Field'];
$curr_tables[$table_name]['Columns'][$colrow['Field']] = $colrow;
$indexres = $this->get_index_details($table_name);
foreach ($indexres as $indexrow) {
$curr_tables[$table_name]['Indexes'][] = $indexrow['Fields'][0];
foreach ($dest_tables as $table_name => $dest_table) {
$curr_table = @$curr_tables[$table_name];
if ($curr_table === null) {
// Create the table if it does not yet exist.
echo "Create table {$table_name}.\n";
$this->create_table($table_name, $dest_table);
} else {
echo "Altering table {$table_name}\n";
// Update PK
if ($curr_table['PK'] != $dest_table['PK']) {
echo " Change primary key from {$curr_table['PK']} to {$dest_table['PK']}\n";
/* not yet supported */
// Update columns
foreach ($dest_table['Columns'] as $column_name => $dest_column) {
$curr_column = $curr_table['Columns'][$column_name];
$dest_sql = $this->get_sql_type($dest_column['Type']);
if ($dest_column['NotNull']) $dest_sql .= ' not null';
if ($curr_column == null) {
echo " Create column {$column_name}. New def: '{$dest_sql}'\n";
$q = "ALTER TABLE {$table_name} ADD COLUMN {$column_name} {$dest_sql}";
echo " <b>Query: {$q}</b>\n";
$res = $this->query ($q);
if ($res) echo ' Affected rows: ', $this->affected_rows($res), "\n";
} else {
$curr_sql = $this->get_sql_type($curr_column['Type']);
if ($curr_column['NotNull']) $curr_sql .= ' not null';
if ($curr_sql != $dest_sql) {
echo " Update col {$column_name}. Old def: '{$curr_sql}' New def: '{$dest_sql}'\n";
$q = $this->get_alter_column_query ($table_name, $column_name, $curr_column['Type'], $curr_column['NotNull']);
echo " <b>Query: {$q}</b>\n";
$res = $this->query ($q);
if ($res) echo ' Affected rows: ', $this->affected_rows($res), "\n";
} else {
echo " Column {$column_name} does not need to be changed\n";
// Update indexes
foreach ($dest_table['Indexes'] as $column_name) {
if (!in_array($column_name, $curr_table['Indexes'])) { echo " Create index {$column_name}\n";
$q = "ALTER TABLE {$table_name} ADD INDEX ({$column_name})";
echo " <b>Query: {$q}</b>\n";
$res = $this->query ($q);
if ($res) echo ' Affected rows: ', $this->affected_rows($res), "\n";
echo "\n";
* Adds a @since version to from a {@link CodeParserItem} to the internal list
* This list is used to fill a table with all of the versions of the program in existance
static function addSinceVersion(CodeParserItem $parser_item, $parent)
if ($parser_item->since == '') return;
if (! in_array($parser_item->since, self::$since_versions)) { self::$since_versions[] = $parser_item->since;
* Gets the database id of a record for a specific @since version
private function getSinceVersionId($since_version)
if ($res === false) return null;
return $res + 1;
* Does the actual outputting of the file objects (and theihttps://www.nationalcrimecheck.com.au/r sub-objects) to the database
* @param array $files The file objects to save to the database
* @param Config $config The project config
* @table insert projects The main project record
* @table insert packages All of the packages used by this project
* @table insert versions All of the project versions documented
* @table insert files All of the files
* @table insert documents All of the documents
public function output($files, Config $config)
$res = $this->connect();
if (! $res) {
echo "<p>Unable to connect to database!";
return false;
// Get existing or create new project
$code = $this->sql_safen($config->getProjectCode());
$res = $this->query("SELECT id FROM projects WHERE code = {$code}");
$row = $this->fetch_assoc($res);
if ($row) {
// Update project details
$project_id = $row['id'];
$update_data['name'] = $this->sql_safen($config->getProjectName());
$update_data['license'] = $this->sql_safen($config->getLicenseText());
$update_data['dategenerated'] = $this->sql_safen(date('Y-m-d h:i a')); $this->do_update('projects', $update_data, array('id' => $project_id));
} else {
// Insert new project
$insert_data['name'] = $this->sql_safen($config->getProjectName());
$insert_data['code'] = $this->sql_safen($config->getProjectCode());
$insert_data['license'] = $this->sql_safen($config->getLicenseText());
$insert_data['dategenerated'] = $this->sql_safen(date('Y-m-d h:i a')); $this->do_insert('projects', $insert_data);
$project_id = $this->insert_id();
// Include project id in all inserts
$this->extra_insert_data = array( 'projectid' => $project_id,
// Only delete data from this project
$this->query("DELETE FROM namespaces WHERE projectid = {$project_id}");
$this->query("DELETE FROM files WHERE projectid = {$project_id}");
$this->query("DELETE FROM functions WHERE projectid = {$project_id}");
$this->query("DELETE FROM arguments WHERE projectid = {$project_id}");
$this->query("DELETE FROM throws WHERE projectid = {$project_id}");
$this->query("DELETE FROM returns WHERE projectid = {$project_id}");
$this->query("DELETE FROM classes WHERE projectid = {$project_id}");
$this->query("DELETE FROM class_implements WHERE projectid = {$project_id}");
$this->query("DELETE FROM interfaces WHERE projectid = {$project_id}");
$this->query("DELETE FROM variables WHERE projectid = {$project_id}");
$this->query("DELETE FROM constants WHERE projectid = {$project_id}");
$this->query("DELETE FROM item_authors WHERE projectid = {$project_id}");
$this->query("DELETE FROM item_tables WHERE projectid = {$project_id}");
$this->query("DELETE FROM documents WHERE projectid = {$project_id}");
$this->query("DELETE FROM versions WHERE projectid = {$project_id}");
$this->query("DELETE FROM item_see WHERE projectid = {$project_id}");
$this->query("DELETE FROM item_example WHERE projectid = {$project_id}");
$this->query("DELETE FROM enumerations WHERE projectid = {$project_id}");
$this->query("DELETE FROM item_info_tags WHERE projectid = {$project_id}");
foreach ($files as $file) {
if (empty($file->namespace)) continue;
$parent_id = 0;
foreach ($file->namespace as $ns) {
$components[] = $ns;
$full_namespace = implode('\\', $components);
if (!isset($namespaces[$full_namespace])) { $insert_data['name'] = $this->sql_safen($full_namespace);
$insert_data['parentid'] = $parent_id;
$this->do_insert('namespaces', $insert_data);
$namespaces[$full_namespace] = $this->insert_id();
$parent_id = $namespaces[$full_namespace];
// Determine the versions that are available
self::$since_versions = array(); foreach ($files as $item) {
if ($item instanceof ParserFile) {
$item->treeWalk(array('DatabaseOutputter', 'addSinceVersion')); }
// Sorts the versions array
// And add them to the table
foreach (self::$since_versions as $version) {
$insert_data['name'] = $this->sql_safen($version);
$this->do_insert('versions', $insert_data);
// go through all the files
foreach ($files as $item) {
if ($item instanceof ParserFile) {
if ($item->namespace) {
$file_namespace = $namespaces[implode('\\', $item->namespace)]; } else {
$file_namespace = 0;
$insert_data['name'] = $this->sql_safen($item->name);
$insert_data['description'] = $this->sql_safen($item->description);
$insert_data['source'] = $this->sql_safen($item->source);
$insert_data['sinceid'] = $this->sql_safen($this->getSinceVersionId($item->since));
$insert_data['namespaceid'] = $this->sql_safen($file_namespace);
$this->do_insert('files', $insert_data);
$file_id = $this->insert_id ();
// this files functions
foreach ($item->functions as $function) {
$this->save_function($function, $file_id, null, null, $file_namespace);
// this files classes
foreach ($item->classes as $class) {
if ($class instanceof ParserClass) {
$this->save_class($class, $file_id, $file_namespace);
} else if ($class instanceof ParserInterface) {
$this->save_interface($class, $file_id, $file_namespace);
// this files constants
foreach ($item->constants as $constant) {
$this->save_constant($constant, $file_id);
// this files enums
foreach ($item->enumerations as $enumeration) {
$this->save_enumeration($enumeration, $file_id);
// Common items
$this->save_author_items (LINK_TYPE_FILE, $file_id, $item->authors);
$this->save_table_items (LINK_TYPE_FILE, $file_id, $item->tables);
$this->save_see_items (LINK_TYPE_FILE, $file_id, $item->see);
$this->save_example_items (LINK_TYPE_FILE, $file_id, $item->example);
$this->save_info_tag_items (LINK_TYPE_FILE, $file_id, $item->info_tags);
} else if ($item instanceof ParserDocument) {
// Inserts a document
$insert_data['name'] = $this->sql_safen($item->name);
$insert_data['description'] = $this->sql_safen($item->description);
$this->do_insert('documents', $insert_data);
return true;
* Saves a function to the database
* @table insert functions Adds the function details
* @table insert arguments Adds the arguments for this function
private function save_function($function, $file_id, $class_id, $interface_id, $file_namespace)
// Ignore closures
if ($function->name == null) return;
// prepare data for inserting
$insert_data['static'] = 0;
$insert_data['final'] = 0;
$insert_data['abstract'] = 0;
$insert_data['name'] = $this->sql_safen($function->name);
$insert_data['description'] = $this->sql_safen($function->description);
$insert_data['fileid'] = $file_id;
$insert_data['deprecated'] = $this->sql_safen($function->deprecated);
$insert_data['linenum'] = $this->sql_safen($function->linenum);
$insert_data['sinceid'] = $this->sql_safen($this->getSinceVersionId($function->since));
$insert_data['namespaceid'] = $this->sql_safen($file_namespace);
// Class-specific details
if ($class_id != null) {
$insert_data['classid'] = $class_id;
$insert_data['visibility'] = $this->sql_safen($function->visibility);
// Interface-specific details
} else if ($interface_id != null) {
$insert_data['interfaceid'] = $interface_id;
$insert_data['visibility'] = $this->sql_safen($function->visibility);
if ($function->static) $insert_data['static'] = 1;
if ($function->final) $insert_data['final'] = 1;
// build arguments string
if (count($function->args) > 0) { foreach ($function->args as $arg) {
if ($arg->type != null) {
$args[] = $arg->type . ' ' . $arg->name;
} else {
$args[] = $arg->name;
$insert_data['arguments'] = $this->sql_safen(implode(', ', $args));
} else {
$insert_data['arguments'] = "''";
// build query from prepared data
$this->do_insert('functions', $insert_data);
$function_id = $this->insert_id ();
// Insert common items
$this->save_author_items (LINK_TYPE_FUNCTION, $function_id, $function->authors);
$this->save_table_items (LINK_TYPE_FUNCTION, $function_id, $function->tables);
$this->save_see_items (LINK_TYPE_FUNCTION, $function_id, $function->see);
$this->save_example_items (LINK_TYPE_FUNCTION, $function_id, $function->example);
$this->save_info_tag_items (LINK_TYPE_FUNCTION, $function_id, $function->info_tags);
// insert arguments
foreach ($function->args as $arg) {
$insert_data['name'] = $this->sql_safen($arg->name);
$insert_data['type'] = $this->sql_safen($arg->type);
$insert_data['byref'] = ($arg->byref ? '1' : '0');
$insert_data['defaultvalue'] = $this->sql_safen($arg->default);
$insert_data['description'] = $this->sql_safen($arg->description);
$insert_data['functionid'] = $this->sql_safen($function_id);
$args[] = $insert_data;
$this->do_multiple_insert('arguments', $args);
// insert throws
foreach ($function->throws as $arg) {
$insert_data['exception'] = $this->sql_safen($arg->exception);
$insert_data['description'] = $this->sql_safen($arg->description);
$insert_data['functionid'] = $this->sql_safen($function_id);
$throws[] = $insert_data;
$this->do_multiple_insert('throws', $throws);
// insert return values
foreach ($function->returns as $ret) {
$insert_data['type'] = $this->sql_safen($ret->type);
$insert_data['description'] = $this->sql_safen($ret->description);
$insert_data['functionid'] = $this->sql_safen($function_id);
$returns[] = $insert_data;
$this->do_multiple_insert('returns', $returns);
* Saves a class to the database
* @table insert classes Adds the class information for this class
* @table insert class_implements Adds the interfaces that this class extends
private function save_class($class, $file_id, $file_namespace)
// prepare the data for inserting
$insert_data['abstract'] = 0;
$insert_data['final'] = 0;
$insert_data['name'] = $this->sql_safen($class->name);
$insert_data['description'] = $this->sql_safen($class->description);
$insert_data['extends'] = $this->sql_safen($class->extends);
$insert_data['visibility'] = $this->sql_safen($class->visibility);
$insert_data['fileid'] = $file_id;
$insert_data['deprecated'] = $this->sql_safen($class->deprecated);
$insert_data['linenum'] = $this->sql_safen($class->linenum);
$insert_data['sinceid'] = $this->sql_safen($this->getSinceVersionId($class->since));
$insert_data['namespaceid'] = $this->sql_safen($file_namespace);
if ($class->abstract) $insert_data['abstract'] = 1;
if ($class->final) $insert_data['final'] = 1;
// Build and process query from prepared data
$this->do_insert('classes', $insert_data);
$class_id = $this->insert_id ();
// process implements
foreach ($class->implements as $implements) {
$insert_data['classid'] = $class_id;
$insert_data['name'] = $this->sql_safen($implements);
$this->do_insert('class_implements', $insert_data);
// process functions
foreach ($class->functions as $function) {
$this->save_function($function, $file_id, $class_id, null, $file_namespace);
// process variables
foreach ($class->variables as $variable) {
$this->save_variable($variable, $class_id);
// Insert common items
$this->save_author_items (LINK_TYPE_CLASS, $class_id, $class->authors);
$this->save_table_items (LINK_TYPE_CLASS, $class_id, $class->tables);
$this->save_see_items (LINK_TYPE_CLASS, $class_id, $class->see);
$this->save_example_items (LINK_TYPE_CLASS, $class_id, $class->example);
$this->save_info_tag_items (LINK_TYPE_CLASS, $class_id, $class->info_tags);
* Saves an interface to the database
* @table insert interfaces
private function save_interface($interface, $file_id, $file_namespace)
// prepare the data for inserting
$insert_data['name'] = $this->sql_safen($interface->name);
$insert_data['description'] = $this->sql_safen($interface->description);
$insert_data['extends'] = $this->sql_safen($interface->extends);
$insert_data['visibility'] = $this->sql_safen($interface->visibility);
$insert_data['fileid'] = $file_id;
$insert_data['deprecated'] = $this->sql_safen($interface->deprecated);
$insert_data['linenum'] = $this->sql_safen($interface->linenum);
$insert_data['sinceid'] = $this->sql_safen($this->getSinceVersionId($interface->since));
$insert_data['namespaceid'] = $this->sql_safen($file_namespace);
// Build and process query from prepared data
$this->do_insert('interfaces', $insert_data);
$interface_id = $this->insert_id ();
// process functions
foreach ($interface->functions as $function) {
$this->save_function ($function, $file_id, null, $interface_id, $file_namespace);
// insert common items
$this->save_author_items (LINK_TYPE_INTERFACE, $interface_id, $interface->authors);
$this->save_see_items (LINK_TYPE_INTERFACE, $interface_id, $interface->see);
$this->save_example_items (LINK_TYPE_INTERFACE, $interface_id, $interface->example);
$this->save_info_tag_items (LINK_TYPE_INTERFACE, $interface_id, $interface->info_tags);
* Saves a variable to the database
* @table insert variables
private function save_variable($variable, $class_id = null, $interface_id = null)
// prepare data for inserting
$insert_data['static'] = 0;
$insert_data['name'] = $this->sql_safen($variable->name);
$insert_data['description'] = $this->sql_safen($variable->description);
//$insert_data['visibility'] = $this->sql_safen($variable->visibility);
$insert_data['sinceid'] = $this->sql_safen($this->getSinceVersionId($variable->since));
// Class-specific details
if ($class_id != null) {
$insert_data['classid'] = $class_id;
// Interface-specific details
} else if ($interface_id != null) {
$insert_data['interfaceid'] = $interface_id;
if ($variable->static) $insert_data['static'] = 1;
// Build and process query from prepared data
$this->do_insert('variables', $insert_data);
$variable_id = $this->insert_id ();
// insert common items
$this->save_author_items (LINK_TYPE_VARIABLE, $variable_id, $variable->authors);
$this->save_see_items (LINK_TYPE_VARIABLE, $variable_id, $variable->see);
$this->save_example_items (LINK_TYPE_VARIABLE, $variable_id, $variable->example);
$this->save_info_tag_items (LINK_TYPE_VARIABLE, $variable_id, $variable->info_tags);
* Saves a constant to the database
* @table insert constants
private function save_constant($constant, $file_id = null, $enumeration_id = null)
// prepare data for inserting
$insert_data['name'] = $this->sql_safen($constant->name);
$insert_data['value'] = $this->sql_safen($constant->value);
$insert_data['description'] = $this->sql_safen($constant->description);
$insert_data['fileid'] = $this->sql_safen($file_id);
$insert_data['linenum'] = $this->sql_safen($constant->linenum);
$insert_data['sinceid'] = $this->sql_safen($this->getSinceVersionId($constant->since));
if ($enumeration_id != null) {
$insert_data['enumerationid'] = $enumeration_id;
// Build and process query from prepared data
$this->do_insert('constants', $insert_data);
$constant_id = $this->insert_id ();
// insert common items
$this->save_author_items (LINK_TYPE_CONSTANT, $constant_id, $constant->authors);
$this->save_see_items (LINK_TYPE_CONSTANT, $constant_id, $constant->see);
$this->save_example_items (LINK_TYPE_CONSTANT, $constant_id, $constant->example);
$this->save_info_tag_items (LINK_TYPE_CONSTANT, $constant_id, $constant->info_tags);
* Saves a enumeration to the database
* @table insert enumerations
private function save_enumeration($enumeration, $file_id = null)
// prepare data for inserting
$insert_data['name'] = $this->sql_safen($enumeration->name);
$insert_data['description'] = $this->sql_safen($enumeration->description);
$insert_data['fileid'] = $this->sql_safen($file_id);
$insert_data['linenum'] = $this->sql_safen($enumeration->linenum);
$insert_data['sinceid'] = $this->sql_safen($this->getSinceVersionId($constant->since));
$insert_data['virtual'] = $this->sql_safen($enumeration->virtual);
// Build and process query from prepared data
$this->do_insert('enumerations', $insert_data);
$enumeration_id = $this->insert_id ();
// insert common items
$this->save_author_items (LINK_TYPE_ENUMERATION, $enumeration_id, $enumeration->authors);
$this->save_see_items (LINK_TYPE_ENUMERATION, $enumeration_id, $enumeration->see);
$this->save_example_items (LINK_TYPE_ENUMERATION, $enumeration_id, $enumeration->example);
$this->save_info_tag_items (LINK_TYPE_ENUMERATION, $enumeration_id, $enumeration->info_tags);
// Save the constants for this enumeration
foreach ($enumeration->constants as $constant) {
$this->save_constant ($constant, $file_id, $enumeration_id);
* Saves author information about an item
* @table insert item_authors
private function save_author_items($link_type, $link_id, $items)
foreach ($items as $item) {
$insert_data['linkid'] = $this->sql_safen($link_id);
$insert_data['linktype'] = $this->sql_safen($link_type);
$insert_data['name'] = $this->sql_safen($item->name);
$insert_data['email'] = $this->sql_safen($item->email);
$insert_data['description'] = $this->sql_safen($item->description);
$rows[] = $insert_data;
$this->do_multiple_insert('item_authors', $rows);
* Saves table usage information about an item
* @since 0.2
* @table insert item_tables Adds information about the tables that are used by a function, class or file.
private function save_table_items($link_type, $link_id, $items)
foreach ($items as $item) {
$insert_data['linkid'] = $this->sql_safen($link_id);
$insert_data['linktype'] = $this->sql_safen($link_type);
$insert_data['name'] = $this->sql_safen($item->name);
$insert_data['action'] = $this->sql_safen($item->action);
$insert_data['description'] = $this->sql_safen($item->description);
$rows[] = $insert_data;
$this->do_multiple_insert('item_tables', $rows);
* Saves 'see also' information about an item
* @since 0.2
* @table insert item_see Adds 'see also' links for a function, class, file, etc.
private function save_see_items($link_type, $link_id, $items)
foreach ($items as $item) {
$insert_data['linkid'] = $this->sql_safen($link_id);
$insert_data['linktype'] = $this->sql_safen($link_type);
$insert_data['name'] = $this->sql_safen($item);
$rows[] = $insert_data;
$this->do_multiple_insert('item_see', $rows);
* Saves 'example' information about an item
* @table insert item_example Adds examples for a function, class, file, etc.
private function save_example_items($link_type, $link_id, $items)
foreach ($items as $item) {
$insert_data['linkid'] = $this->sql_safen($link_id);
$insert_data['linktype'] = $this->sql_safen($link_type);
$insert_data['description'] = $this->sql_safen($item);
$rows[] = $insert_data;
$this->do_multiple_insert('item_example', $rows);
* Saves info tags for an item
* @since 0.3
* @table insert item_info_tags Adds info tags links for a function, class, file, etc.
private function save_info_tag_items($link_type, $link_id, $items)
foreach ($items as $item) {
$insert_data['linkid'] = $this->sql_safen($link_id);
$insert_data['linktype'] = $this->sql_safen($link_type);
$insert_data['name'] = $this->sql_safen($item);
$rows[] = $insert_data;
$this->do_multiple_insert('item_info_tags', $rows);